rmd - produce ripe-md160 fingerprints over files
rmd [-v]
rmd [-p] file1 file2 ... fileN
Rmd produces RIPE-MD160 fingerprints of the files that you specify on the command line (directories are skipped). The message digest function RIPEMD 160 has been choosen over MD5 as it is more secure. For more details about RIPE-MD 160 look at the paper cited below. Rmd can be used to ver- ify if the finger print of a public key that you received is the one the person that generated the key also got. If not you should throw the key away. The use of Option -v displays the version of mcntp, rmd is deliv- ered with and exits. Option -p prints the filenames before the finger- prints.
> rmd rmd.c
> rmd -p rmd.o
rmd.o: 47f93c8c1434f8f7516b3642e0307c37c66d43b0
ripemd160.ps.gz in the ripe-md160 directory of the mcntp distribution. keygen(8) , rmd(3) ,
The rmd command is part of the diploma thesis Transport of NetNews via IP-multicast.
Please report all bugs that you find at the appropriate tracker at http://sf.net/projects/mcntp
$Id: rmd.1.html,v 1.6 2001/11/22 10:24:37 pilhuhn Exp $